The Statues and their Inscriptions

As is the case of the Sonnet of the Steps, the author for the inscriptions found under the garden’s statues is unknown. It is most likely that they were inspired or suggested by the two Barbarigo’s brothers, the Cardinal Gregorio and the ‘Procuratore di San Marco’ Antonio.  This page details each of the inscriptions.

Almost all of the over 60 statues and as many smaller sculptures are in Istrian stone and largely attributed to Merengo, a German sculptor from Westphalia (Heinrich Meyring) who was very active in Venice in the years 1679-1714.

The only statue not in Istrian stone is the statue of the ‘Putto’ of the Deceptions’ Fountain or Fountain of the Water Tricks (games) or, indead, the Putto’s Fountain. This statue, which depicts a beautiful putto holding a basket of flowers and fruit on his curly head, after the recent cleaning of almost 400 years of limestone accumulation, was found to be in white Carrara marble and attributed to the Bernini workshop, perhaps even to the great Gian Lorenzo.

Diana's Pavilion


“Al Monte al Colle al Pian Diana impera.”

Guard dog facing south
(looking towards the Vatican):

“In battaglia fedel, vigile in pace.”

(on the left of the doorway):

“Cangi forma Atteon se muove il piede.”

(on the right of the doorway):

“Puote solo Endimione fermar la luna”

Guard dog facing north
(looking towards the Lutheran’s Germany):

“Guarda l’inferno, no, ma il paradiso.”


“Che non è Sole il Sole se non è solo.”


“E solo a giovar Giove fu detto.”


“Vinse Alcide fanciul Homo fu vinto.”


“Nella lingua Mercurio e nella mano.”

Fishery of the Rivers

River on the left – Bacchiglione:

“Per culla ha il monte, e ha per tomba il mare.”

River on the right – Brenta:

“Riposa il fiume e non riposa l’Onda.”

Fishery of the Winds

“Dei venti Eolo signor, e i scioglie, e i leva
Nel sen Deiopea riposa il vento;
Sconvolge Borea il mar, Scuote la Terra.
Più che soave qui Zefiro spira.”


“Con l’aure scherza, e fa del nulla gioco
Del Cigno, e del candor si veste, e ride.”

The Four Statues of the Pila Fountain


“E ne fu con cent’occhi Argo il custode.”


“E ne portò Mercurio il gran messaggio.”


“Che la Fecondità del mondo è madre.”


“Trovi Salubrità chi cerca vita.”

The Fountain of Deceptions, of the Water Tricks or of the Putto

The Statue of the Putto in the Fountain of Deceptions or of the Putto:

“Non sta sempre tra i fiori nascosto l’Angue.”

The Four Satues of the Deceptions' Fountain


“Né gionse al ciel Tifeo benché gigante.”


“Polifemo tra ciechi Argo rasembra.”


“De la Terra Ope Dea, dei Dei la Madre.”


“Portando in grembo Flora i colti fiori.”

The Statue of Time

The Statue of Time:

“Volan col Tempo l’Hore, e fuggon gli anni.”

The Eight Statues of the Square of Revelations


“Regnan le Grazie ove Diletto impera.”


“Allegrezza non dà gemina morte.”


“Del moto al fin l’Ocio e la quiete è la fine.”


“Ogni virtude Agricoltura pasce.”

Genio (dell’Agricoltura):

“De l’arbitrio la forza il Genio sforza.”


“Angel divien chi in solitudine vive.”


“Di predator preda rimase Adone.”


“Spande i tesor né l’Abondanza scema.”

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