20 March 2024 Staff

Sunday March 24th, 2024 – Spring equinox

Sunday March 24th, 2024

Spring equinox

Regional Day of the Veneto’s Hills

Let’s celebrate the arrival of spring

The Garden, after the recent heavy rains, welcomes you greener than ever, and this is the best time to admire the first blooms of the trees and the awakening of Nature. Come and greet spring in an area of ??twelve hectares where Art and Nature will leave you speechless.

Guided tours in Italian at 11:00 and 15:30

Possibility to organize them also in English – call:
+39/340/0825844 (mobile with whatsapp)

extra € 5,0 on the entrance ticket per adult, minors 2-14 years free, booking recommended at:

+39/340/0825844 (mobile with whatsapp) o

to the email: info@valsanzibiogiardino.com

Access to the labyrinth path is € 4,0 per adult (children aged 2 to 14 are free, but accompanied – at least one adult for every three children/teenagers).

NB. Unfortunately the tours of theWondersled by the “Storytelling Witch” LaVaLend is postponed due to a personal problem of the artist. It will be presented again inMay.

We apologize to those who had already booked.

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Water games, fountains, fish ponds, sculptures, the wonder of a walk inspired by San Gregorio Barbarigo and designed by Luigi Bernini. And the unmissable stupendous centuries-old boxwood labyrinth, the oldest vegetal labyrinth in the world!

Open every day until December,
from  10:00 to sunset…
…18:00, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th…
…19:00 from the end of March to the end of September.

Weekends, weekdays and high season open non stop.

Reservation required for groups only.

The Monumental Garden of Valsanzibio is considered
one of the most important historical gardens in the world.

Treat yourself with a walk in the
Monumental Garden of Valsanzibio,…

the Garden of Rebirth.

Possibility to visit the Monumental Garden independently,,
everyone will be given general information on the symbolic meaning
of the Garden and a brochure with historical information and a map
of the Garden with recommended route, or escorted by a guide…

…’Standard’ or ‘Superior’ guided tours

emotional tours

Upon reservation, you can organize guided tours to learn the high symbolism of the Garden, which is still perfectly legible today.  The Garden’s expert guides will accompany you to discover this magical place, defined as one of the most beautiful gardens in the world.  The visitor will follow the symbolic purification path inspired by San Gregorio Barbarigo and designed by Luigi Bernini, a path that makes this place unique in the world, and many allegorical meanings will be explained, the Diana Pavilion, the historical entrance to the Garden when it was landed by boat from Venice, the fishponds, the sculptures, the fountains, the Labyrinth, the Hermit’s Grotto, the Rabbit Island, the Statue of Cronos. Furthermore, some information will be given on the extraordinary plants of the Garden, mostly evergreen trees, coming from Asia, Africa, America and Europe, plants that today are 400 years old and, in some cases, over 800 years old.

If you want to book the guided tour

call or send a whatsapp to 340/0825844
or send an email to info@valsanzibiogiardino.com

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Labyrinth path open with surveillance staff

At the Ancient Stables from the Garden Kiosk
possibility of having gourmet sandwiches, sandwiches,
meatballs (meat and vegetables), wraps, toast, covered
biscuits, artisanal ice creams (in collaboration with Bar
Tonetti, Beghin delicatessen, Panciera ice cream shop)…and more,
Organic drinks, infusions, Colli wine, craft beer.

You can have lunch at the Kiosk tables or order the picnic basket made by the Garden kiosk and go to the areas available in the botanical area.

Prices on request and picnic reservations preferably
at least 5 days before the chosen date.

Or you can book a table and bring your own picnic.

Reservatio by whatsapp to 340/0825844
or by email to info@valsanzibiogiardino.com

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Entrance to the Garden
(including access to the labyrinth’s central turret)
Adults € 12,00 – children/boys up to 14 years old € 6,50
Extra ticket for the labyrinth path = € 4,00 per adult
(minors free, but accompanied – at least one adult for every 3 minors)

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Monumental Garden of Valsanzibio

The beauty of being in the open air immersed
in art, nature and beauty

Walking among trees makes people better.
Plants are food and medicine for the soul.

We are looking forward to have you, we are open every day

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Please, pay close attention to our regulation (click HERE to consult the GARDEN REGULATIONS) because this seventeenth-century garden is considered, of its kind, one of the most important artistic monuments in the world, but, like all ancient works of art IT IS VERY DELICATE. In particular, we ask for special cooperation from parents in supervising their youngsters by making them understand that this is not a playground, but an environment that cannot support their normal and, in other circumstances, fine youthful exuberance…PLEASE IS It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to throw pebbles or stones into the fishponds/water areas of the garden, pay close attention to your children/teenagers in compliance with the rules…thanks for your kind and indispensable collaboration.

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to the many visitors who again this year

have chosen to visit the Valsanzibio Monumental Garden

and in doing so taking part in its preservation.


for the beautiful phrases you have left in the book of dedications.

Knowing that this place is exciting after almost 360 years is a great satisfaction for all the staff, and repays the hard work required to protect a historic and unique asset like this.

2024 will be an important year for the Monumental Garden of Valsanzibio, which won the European Competition dedicated to Historic Gardens and achieved the highest score in all of Italy.

The desire is to bring this baroque destination of almost 360 years old to offer ever higher and international tourist standards.

The greatest efforts so far have been concentrated in the care of the plants, which between drought and parasites attacking the boxwood (a real botanical heritage of the Garden) the work is so much and tiring. If the European aid will actually arrive (the conditional is a must) it will be possible to tackle extraordinary works that will benefit this magical and unique place in the world.

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“My grandfather Armando deserves the credit for having repaired the disasters caused by the military occupation and the forced abandonment of the last war (1943-1946). My Father Fabio has the merit of having restored all 33 water points in the Garden compromised by eighty years of progressive impoverishment of the natural springs, with a system that allows 70% of water to be recycled.
To me, in addition to the commitment to continue to pass on this superlative reality to posterity, also the goal of making this pearl of our culture known worldwide. And in a few years great satisfactions have been achieved, with tourists coming from all over the world”
Armando Pizzoni Ardemani, manager of the ‘Tenuta Valsanzibio’.

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Walking among trees

makes people better.

Plants are food and

medicine for the soul.

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You want to give a special gift

to special people?

Give as a gift the entry to

the Monumental Garden of Valsanzibio.

A welcome gift to lovers of Art and Nature and, at the same time, Art and Nature of the Garden sincerely thank you for your contribution.

You will also participate in the maintenance of a historical-artistic-botanical treasure that visitors from all over the world appreciate and admire.

These are the gift possibilities:

A. Entrance to the Garden
– Duration time = we recommend no less than 60 minutes.
At the entrance you will be given a brochure with a map of the Garden, with a recommended route and some historical-artistic explanations. You will be able to visit the entire historical-artistic area (the Allegorical Garden), the botanical area, and you will be able to access the labyrinth only from the central turret, with a panoramic view.

B. Entrance to the Garden and access to the labyrinth path.
– Duration time = we recommend no less than 80/90 minutes..
All as in ‘A.’ and in addition you will be able to enter the labyrinth path (only in the presence of our security staff and by prior agreement with the ticket office on the access time).

For information and requests:


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INFINE VI segnaliamo…


Preview of the book

un opera scritta da Luigi Cerantola con fotografie di Renato D’Agostin, giovane fotografo veneziano che ha già esposto in prestigiose gallerie d’arte internazionali, tra cui Venezia, New York, Parigi. Alcuni sui scatti realizzati nel Giardino di Valsanzibio appaiono anche sulla facciata dell’antico Casino di caccia denominato Cà Martinengo (clicca sopra per conoscere Ca’ Martinengo).

Da VALSANZIBIO è stato tratto il Codice di Valsanzibio, un libro realizzato secondo tecniche monastiche antiche e composto di 26 grandi pagine (cm. 23,5 x 32) esposte in sequenza. In quest’opera i 24 Sonetti del poeta Luigi Cerantola, che prendono avvio dal Sonetto “Curioso viator che in questa parte” inciso sulla gradinata che dal Giardino di Valsanzibio immette al Piazzale delle Rivelazioni in fronte a Villa Barbarigo Pizzoni Ardemani (clicca La Scalinata del Sonetto), sono calligrafati su carta giapponese e tutte le 26 pagine sono dipinte da Alessio Mancino.

Il codice è in linea alla tradizione classica (vedi le Très Riches Heuresdu Duc de Berry del 1415 circa) che intendeva dar veste solenne e imperitura ad un testo calligrafandolo e miniandolo.

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Tutte le attività che si svolgono all’interno del Giardino di Valsanzibio, se non specificato altrimenti, prevedono il regolare ingresso al giardino ed il pagamento del biglietto.

Per ulteriori info seguite gli aggiornamenti QUI alla voce ‘NEWS‘ o andate alla nostra pagina di Facebook: Giardino Barbarigo Valsanzibio.